Sure Jesus cured the blind man… but just so he could show off!

Today I listened to the Gospel of John (I’m a driver and I’m always listening to something). In it, Jesus cures a blind man (John 9:1-12). When the Pharisees asked who sinned (and caused the blindness) the man or his parents, Jesus told them neither. He was born blind just so Jesus could prove God’s power.
Curing a blind man = GOOD
Causing a man to be born blind just so you can cure him later = DICK

So… he suffered through his entire life blind, and he was thought sinful (because that’s where they thought blindness came from) and had to beg for a living just so God could flex his muscle with a miracle at the proper time.

Side Note: This story also makes it clear infirmities and disease are the result of sin. Do modern Christians actually believe this was the case? Is it still so?

A god like that either doesn’t exist or he is unworthy of being considered good. Of course, there are thousands of examples like this, but I read it today and it stood out as an abhorrent action from a god that people claim embodies love and goodness.
It also utterly refutes the claim that God respects free will. I believe this is an even better example of god not respecting free will than even the story of God hardening Pharaoh’s heart (so that he could send plagues against Pharoah to show off his power), at least in the Pharoah story he had done something to deserve it be enslaving God’s people. Here God is just being a dick to an innocent man.
Of course, Christians will say things like, who are we to question the will of the one true living God! His ways are above us! He is all good and we can’t possibly understand. Bro, I think it is you guys who make excuses for this loving god every time he shows himself to be a monster that doesn’t understand.

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