I am a fat guy! I am using the following post to make a point about the hypocrisy of the evangelical right. I am not bashing fat guys.
With all the worrying about Gays getting married and trans-gendered people coming in and out of the wrong restroom causing such an uproar in the Christian community and the fact that punishment from God above is definitely about to seriously fuck us all up, I was wondering why God is so focused on the LGBT community.
Especially since the sin of Sodom was not homosexuality according to Ezekiel16:49 “this was the iniquity of thy sister Sodom, pride, fullness of bread, and abundance of idleness was in her and in her daughters, neither did she strengthen the hand of the poor and needy.”
So why aren’t we afraid of fat guys going into bathrooms and giving candy bars to our kids?
Why are gluttonous people allowed to Preach? Why are they allowed to marry? I know my wife and I are gluttonous together. Quite often in fact. Why aren’t you assholes with your smug sense of superiority and knowledge of exactly what your holy father wants picketing me?
Why can a fat lady like the one above run rampant through a Target and cause trouble when the bible says to stone Gluttons in Deuteronomy 21?
I’m guessing its because you have a lot of fat people in your congregations, and divorced people, and lovers of money, and so many other things your book says are wrong. I’m betting it hits to close to home. You probably have fat family members and fat friends. You might even be fat yourself, or divorced, and you would never think about removing that plank from your own eye. Would you?