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  • The Great Ape Debate: Evolution, Chromosomes and Monkey Business

    Hey there, fellow primates! Yeah, I’m talking to you. Ever wondered why we humans, with all our fancy tech, sophisticated lattes, and love for bacon, mocha chocolate lattes, and avocado toast, have fewer chromosomes than our ape cousins? Or why, if we evolved from apes, there are still apes swinging from trees, munching on bananas,…

  • The Gospel of the Living Dead: Matthew’s Tale of the First Zombies

    The Gospel of the Living Dead: Matthew’s Tale of the First Zombies

    Betcha most of you didn’t even know this was in your bible. Ah, the Gospel of Matthew, where things get real spooky, real fast! Ever read the end of Matthew 27? It’s a doozy! Picture this: Jesus breathes his last, the earth shakes, rocks split, and tombs break open. And then, hold onto your hats,…

  • King Herod & The Baby Hunt: A Biblical Whodunit or Historical Hiccup?

    King Herod & The Baby Hunt: A Biblical Whodunit or Historical Hiccup?

    Ah, the tale of King Herod, the original bad guy of the New Testament! You know the story – three wise men, a star in the East, and a king with a serious case of baby fever. But, hold onto your frankincense, folks, because this tale might just be a historical hiccup! In other words……

  • Not a real Christian?

    I listen to a lot of Theist vs. Atheist conversations and debates and the same themes come up time and time again. One thing that a lot of Theists don’t understand is that many of use were former born again Christians and that studying his word is what made us Atheists. One of the only…

  • You’re praying for me… thanks, but…

    As atheists, it is very easy to get sarcastic and even downright nasty when someone tells us they are praying for us or praying for anything actually. First off it is definitely presumptuous on the part of the person saying they prayed. Are we supposed to be grateful? Are we supposed to suddenly fall to our…

  • Fat People Shouldn’t be allowed to get married, they’ll just live in sin together.

    I am a fat guy! I am using the following post to make a point about the hypocrisy of the evangelical right. I am not bashing fat guys. With all the worrying about Gays getting married and trans-gendered people coming in and out of the wrong restroom causing such an uproar in the Christian community…

  • Where Giants Come From According To Genesis.

    Since I was already discussing the flood and Noah in a previous blog, let’s look again at the silliness of that theme. Do you know where Giants come from? Jolly Green Giants? Who knows where they came from? According to the bible. Genesis 6:4 Giants are the result of the Sons of God (I’ll go ahead…

  • What sacrifice?

    God loves you. God loves you so much that he sacrificed his only begotten son so that you might be forgiven of your sins and have eternal life in Heaven. An omnipotent being of immense power created you. Decided you were a sinner and condemned you to hell for all eternity but then decided to…

  • Christian Crusaders vs. Muslim Jihadists

    Not all of us in America think there is a difference between the Christian right and Islamic Radicals. Like the Crusaders of old we send our knights in to kill those of different faiths. We justify it with the mantra that they are trying to do is harm. We call it self defense. Praying to…

  • Noah’s Ark Was Full Of Shit – Animal Shit that is!

    This might be the shittiest thing you will ever hear about Noah’s Ark. There are literally hundreds of ways to prove that the story of Noah’s Ark is bullshit. But, yet Young Earth Creationist, bible literallists, and the criminally insane rabid fundamentalists sincerely believe it. God’s book said he did it, god’s book claims it…

  • Born Again Twice Fundamentalist Atheist

    I consider myself to be a born again twice fundamentalist atheist. In my mind there are two general categories of Christian in this world (although their is a great deal of disagreement even between these two generalized groups). The first group believes every single word is 100% accurate and true. If the bible says it…