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  • The Great Ape Debate: Evolution, Chromosomes and Monkey Business

    Hey there, fellow primates! Yeah, I’m talking to you. Ever wondered why we humans, with all our fancy tech, sophisticated lattes, and love for bacon, mocha chocolate lattes, and avocado toast, have fewer chromosomes than our ape cousins? Or why, if we evolved from apes, there are still apes swinging from trees, munching on bananas,…

  • The Gospel of the Living Dead: Matthew’s Tale of the First Zombies

    The Gospel of the Living Dead: Matthew’s Tale of the First Zombies

    Betcha most of you didn’t even know this was in your bible. Ah, the Gospel of Matthew, where things get real spooky, real fast! Ever read the end of Matthew 27? It’s a doozy! Picture this: Jesus breathes his last, the earth shakes, rocks split, and tombs break open. And then, hold onto your hats,…

  • King Herod & The Baby Hunt: A Biblical Whodunit or Historical Hiccup?

    King Herod & The Baby Hunt: A Biblical Whodunit or Historical Hiccup?

    Ah, the tale of King Herod, the original bad guy of the New Testament! You know the story – three wise men, a star in the East, and a king with a serious case of baby fever. But, hold onto your frankincense, folks, because this tale might just be a historical hiccup! In other words……